How to free up disk space macbook
How to free up disk space macbook

If you use your Mac to back up your iPhone or iPad, you can delete old backups.Also choose Mailbox > Erase Deleted Items. If you use the Mail app for your email, choose Mailbox > Erase Junk Mail from the menu bar in Mail.Delete files in your Downloads folder. Open this folder from the Dock, or by choosing Go > Downloads from the menu bar in the Finder.Delete music, movies, podcasts, or other media, especially if it's media that you can stream or download again as needed.You can also delete files that you no longer need.

how to free up disk space macbook how to free up disk space macbook

If you have another storage device, such as an external drive connected to your Mac, you can move files to that device. Media files such as photos and videos can use a lot of storage space, so you can take steps such as these:

How to free up disk space macbook